
Statistical reports providing a snapshot of Clerk services and functions


Service Areas

Pinellas County Clerk Statistical Reports

Case Filing Statistics

This report uses rules, definitions and custom formatting to provide an accurate reflection of current information as of the prior business day. This report does not allow for review of detailed information and should such data be needed, please review availability on our bulk data, official records or court case records websites. These statistics are not warranted for any specific purpose or use.

Helpful Definitions:
YoY = year-over-year
YTD = year-to-date
PYTD = prior year-to-date (through the same # of business days in previous calendar/fiscal years) 

Fiscal Year = October 1 - Sept 30.

Current year and current week statistics are displayed as year or week to date.

Controls located in the bottom right of each dashboard can be helpful for some customers.

display of common Power BI controls



*Please note - users can cross-filter select visuals by interacting with different parts of them, which can change how the data is displayed. This can be undone by clicking the same part of any visual twice. Users can also drill down using select visuals to change how the visual is displayed by hovering over them and clicking the buttons displayed on the visual header. Keep in mind, in this report, this only applies to visuals displaying counts of cases over a period of time.


Pinellas County Clerk Statistical Reports


This report uses rules, definitions and custom formatting to provide an accurate reflection of current information as of the prior business day. This report does not allow for review of detailed information and should such data be needed, please review availability on our bulk data, official records or court case records websites. These statistics are not warranted for any specific purpose or use.

Helpful Definitions:
YoY = year-over-year
YTD = year-to-date
PYTD = prior year-to-date (through the same # of business days in previous calendar/fiscal years) 

Fiscal Year = October 1 - Sept 30.

Current year and current week statistics are displayed as year or week to date.

Controls located in the bottom right of each dashboard can be helpful for some customers.

display of common Power BI controls



*Please note - users can cross-filter select visuals by interacting with different parts of them, which can change how the data is displayed. This can be undone by clicking the same part of any visual twice. Users can also drill down using select visuals to change how the visual is displayed by hovering over them and clicking the buttons displayed on the visual header. Keep in mind, in this report, this only applies to visuals displaying counts of cases over a period of time.